52 Weeks to Bettering Yourself in 2013 – Week 2 – January 7 – 13 – READ MORE BOOKS

You and Your Future By: Georgia Nicols
You and Your Future By: Georgia Nicols
My writing instructor at UBC said: “if you want to write, read”. So, in my quest to be a better writer, and since I love reading and astrology, on Christmas Eve I went to Chapters and bought a book with Christmas money my father-in-law gave me. The book is titled: “You and Your Future” by: Georgia Nicols.

Georgia is one of my muses and she is a national treasure. Every Sunday I receive the weekly horoscopes from her by email, and her writing is witty and humorous.

I started reading her book over Christmas, but it is over 600 pages long, so this week, to better myself, I will read the entire book.

I began star gazing at age 5, and by age 11 developed an interest in astrology. Now, When my dog Rocko wakes me up at 2am to get outside, the first thing I do is admire the stars against the clear night sky with reduced reflection from the earth’s lights, and the stars are beautiful.

If Jupiter or Venus come closer to earth, I notice right away. About a year ago, I dreamed that I was walking beside the ocean at night and across the water I saw the zodiac signs light up in colored stars as I walked along. It was so beautiful I wish I didn’t have to wake up, but Rocko had to get out or else….