Do You Want to Be a Hero? Live WELL

Heroes Live Well
Heroes Live Well
Heroes Live Well
Lea Dubedout photo  – Unsplash

When you live in the past you live badly.

Your past is like a condensed movie of your life that flashes by the side of the highway as you speed by; the years passing by faster than street lights.

In the re-run of your life, you are embarrassed by your mistakes, and want to edit those scenes out, but you are an evolving organism, and learning hard lessons made you stronger.

Your shame made you aware, and your awareness made you forgive yourself and move forward, then you forgive other evolving organisms for their mistakes.

Looking back shows how far you have traveled on your journey. You have been altered by your experiences have altered you in the eternal classroom of life.

In the space-time continuum, your pit stop on earth can be free from regrets if you decide to search for ways to live WELL.

You were put on earth to be a hero. To reach your true potential. To become someone you admire.

To work hard doing what you love, maintain your body, expand your mind, and nurture your soul with positive thoughts and gratitude.

Honoring yourself transforms you into a tiny hero.

When you express yourself you light a tiny candle and your light spreads.

It illuminates the path of your future.

Death inches closer each day, kindling your urgency to live well – to love lots, and to value your life.

You don’t fear death when you are fully immersed in life.

You raise your standards, and perform brave deeds and noble acts.

Your plot has new twists. You adopt a dog. He has hero worship in his eyes for you. You feel good.

You show compassion to a person who needs some. You feel good.

Your struggle with life is gone when you do what feels good, and connect to others.

You remove your 3-D glasses and see things as they are. The world is beautifully imperfect.

You understand that everything happens for a reason. Chance occurrences benefit you.

You wouldn’t change your journey because it brings you to the movie of your future.

When your journey has ends you are a full grown hero. Mission complete.

When you love and live well, you die happy!

The last scene of your life is not a flashback, but a foreshadowing of your next journey. Your perspective has changed. Your body will dissolve, but your spirit will remain.

You are drawn to the warmth and peace of the ambient light from the screen. Love is everywhere. The music fades to a humming chorus and transitions you to a new time zone.

The credits roll. It’s a happy ending. You look forward to the after party!

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    Welcome! I write about expanding your life on my blog  — #loveyourself, #positivethinking, #optimizingyourself, and #wellbeing are recurring themes.

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