Review of Week 16 – Write Down What I Spend

small_137669551For this week’s bettering yourself exercise, I wrote down what I spent each day to see where my money was going. With four males living in my house who are all over 6 feet tall, and weigh over 200 pounds, it makes sense that the majority of my money is spent on groceries, but I didn’t realize how much it was until I wrote it down and added it up.

Once my two teenagers and 20 year old start paying for all their car expenses, I will ask them to pitch in for food, because these days, adult children tend to continue to live at home for a long time, especially when they are talking about going to college.

This week, I shopped at Costco and bought case lots of beans and corn, and large bulk packages of hamburger which I seasoned and froze in sections to create multiple meals, and all the food was eaten, with hardly any waste. Now I know to plan the meals and lunches ahead, and encourage them to eat the items that will expire soon, to ease the strain on our finances.

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