Review of Week 46 – Optimizing Yourself – Create a Wealthy Consciousness

wealth consciousness
A Wealthy Consciousness

Is it possible to get rich by thinking rich? Changing your thoughts, doing things in a certain way, and having faith that you will succeed are also key ingredients, according to Wallace Wattle’s book “The Science of Getting Rich” which I read for this week’s optimizing yourself exercise. The practical advice in this book still rings true, although it was written over 100 years ago. He says the desire to get rich is the desire for a richer fuller more abundant life, which is everybody’s right. Having money allows you to do what you want, by giving you the tools and resources you need to live a fuller, richer life.

Wattles inspires you to become all you want to be, and it is your right to develop yourself to the best of your ability, using his technique of creative visualization or “forming a mental picture” of what you want.

Wattles says: “… everything that lives has an inalienable right to all the development it is capable of attaining. Man’s (or woman’s)* right to life means their right to have the free and unrestricted use of all the things which may be necessary to their mental, spiritual, and physical unfoldment; or, in other words, their right to be rich.”

Reading Wattles book is what inspired Rhonda Byrne to write “The Secret”, and it is about the law of attraction. Wattles lays out the proper kind of thinking and the specific actions that need to be taken to attract money. He says doing things in a certain way is practicing the kind of behaviors, like gratitude, using your willpower upon yourself, not others, and taking efficient action allow the law of attraction to work for you.

The steps to getting what you want include changing your thoughts and breaking out of the myths and mental patterns that may be impoverishing you. To create a wealthy consciousness, form a mental picture” of what you want, and don’t think about what you don’t want. He says “think of wealth, not poverty. Think about what you want to attract to you, and take action every day to successfully get what you want. Speak about what you want, and don’t complain or criticize, only focus on the good things that you want to have coming your way. Be grateful and thank God for the beautiful things you already have.”

But forming a mental picture is not enough, you must have faith that you will succeed, and take appropriate action to achieve your goal. And, in your dealings with others, give more value than you get, not monetary value, but more use value or help value, and be uplifting and make a personal connection with every man woman and child that you encounter. Also, be positive and aware that everything is working to help you.

By continuing to study the principles in this book, I am creating a wealthy consciousness.

*woman has been added for the purposes of this blog.