Week 16 – Apr. 15 – 21, 2013 Bettering Yourself – Write Down What I Spend


For this week’s bettering yourself exercise, I am going to write down what I spend each day, to see where my money is being spent, so I don’t rack up debt by not paying attention.

Depak Chopra describes debt as:

“Spending Money you haven’t earned, to buy things you don’t need, to impress people you don’t like”.

As my three sons get older, there are less wisdom teeth extractions, school band trips and hockey tournaments to pay for, but in a tough economy, I have to be careful not to rack up debt, so I am looking at which areas I can cut back on, or ways to increase my income.

Writing down what I spend this week will give me a good idea of how to create a budget for myself. I will let you know how it goes next week.

Photo credit: flickr pin, creative commons