My 4 Tips To Make Your Dreams Come True

My 4 Tips to Making Your Dreams Come True
Make your dreams come true

“The future is made in your mind”

John Lennon

We all dream of living lives where we are excited to get out of bed in the morning, where our needs for love and self- expression are fulfilled, and we are growing into our full potential as human beings.

This week I have been studying how to attract more of what I want into my life.  I usually look forward to my day, but there are times when I am not progressing, and need some help to get back on track to joy.  I know what I want, but fears and doubts get in the way and prevent me from believing in it, or contradictory thoughts about what I want cloud my mind.

A dream life comes to you when: you see it – as if in a movie imaging in your mind, believe it – as if you already have it, ask for it – and be crystal clear about what you want, and take action to receive it, says Rhonda Byrne, author of “The Secret”.

She says ‘The Law of Attraction’ on which the book is based, occurs when we attract back to us the energy that we are sending out.  So, if we’re not getting what we want, we have to change our frequency.


My 4 Tips to Make Your Dreams Come True:


1)      Be GRATEFUL for who you are now, and what you have already attracted.

Improving on who you are and what you want to do, depends on being grateful for the good  that you have attracted in your life to this point.  That feeling of peace and contentment will bring more abundance to you.


2)      DECIDE who we want to become


To change your journey in life, decide who you are now, and think about who you want to be in the future, not who you were in the past  Make room for who you are now and who you are becoming.

Tony Robbins, life coach and motivational speaker says: we have an identity that we carry around with us about who we are, that we need to update if it no longer fits.  Then we can focus on where we want to go now.

He says:  Ask yourself :  How Does it make you feel?   The power to get whatever you want is in you – in your mind, you have the power – Tony Robbins


3)      UTILIZE Your Gifts


Focusing on what YOU want to do and what gifts you have to contribute connects you to something bigger than yourself.  Ask for your gifts to work through you. First you have to know yourself, love yourself, and know what you want, or what motivates you.  What do you feel passionate about? This is not what someone else wants.  You have unique gifts to share. It’s about you.

Growing as a person and offering your unique contribution to the world as only you can, is what  truly fulfills us.   Michael Bernard Beckwith, a contributor to the Secret says:  “If you feel a pull towards doing something different to realize your potential , say YES. God does not call the qualified, he qualifies you through your yes “




Your dream doesn’t have to be perfect:   People feel happiest when they are making progress in what they are trying to do.  Attaining perfection is not what is important, but in each day moving toward the direction they want to go, and becoming who they want to be and fulfilling their destiny.

When we align with our higher purpose, and feel passionate about our lives, our needs get fulfilled.  We become who we want to become by believing it in our minds and taking action to make it happen, then start  realizing our unlimited potential as human beings.  The magnetic fields of energy that surround us will be filled with our positive energy and attract what we want to us.

Celebrate your progress on making your dreams come true!   Ann Hoy

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