Ann Singing Hey Jude With Paul McCartney in Vancouver

In a knock one off my bucket list moment, there I was, almost a year ago, being summoned by Paul to sing “Hey Jude” with him as one of the “ladies”. Paul was the bassist in The Beatles, who performed on The Ed Sullivan show in New York on my 2nd birthday on Feb 9,… Continue reading Ann Singing Hey Jude With Paul McCartney in Vancouver

The Power of Music

Sometimes there is no cure for a person’s illness, and we are can only find ways to treat them with kindness and compassion to ease their suffering.  A  few years ago, as my mom’s illness progressed, she went to a hospice for comfort care. She always loved music, so we continued to play music for… Continue reading The Power of Music

Make Me a Channel of Your Peace

Songs from our youth can remain in our hearts for life, like the soundtrack to our memories.  A hymn based on the prayer of Saint Francis Assisi, that I learned in cathecism at age 7,  has stuck in my mind ever since.  In 1967, Sebastian Temple adapted it to music, in a song titled: “Make… Continue reading Make Me a Channel of Your Peace