Review of Week 39 – Bettering Yourself – Do Something Creative Every Day

For this week’s bettering yourself exercise, I did something creative each day.  My inspiration for this topic came from Deepak Chopra and Rudoff Tanzi’s book “Superbrain” about ways to inspire your brain.

How to inspire your brain

Take care of stress. Avoid dulling routine. Do something creative every day. Read poetry, spiritual material or anything else that makes you feel uplifted. Take time to be in nature. Bond with another person who is heartwarming.  Pay attention to being happy. Make sure you take time every day by yourself to relax, meditate and self-reflect. Deal with negative emotions like anger and anxiety. Focus on activity that makes you feel fulfilled. Give of yourself. Follow a personal vision. Attach yourself to a cause that is bigger than you are. Take the risk to love and be loved.

Deepak Chopra – book Superbrain written with Rudoff Tanzi

This week I picked a brain inspiring creative activity each day:  I was studying spirituality and taking notes, helping with a construction project, writing, reading inspirational material, reflecting on my personal experience on a topic, walking Rocko, helping set up music gear for a dance, and experimenting with waffle recipes.

These creative activities were hard work, but energized me, unlike dull routine tasks that zap my energy.