Angus McKay, The White Rock Busker, Sings Songs and Teaches Lessons

  After I had a scan done at the hospital in White Rock, I stopped at The Pelican Rouge Cafe  for a coconut milk chai, as a busker was setting up outside the door. The busker was weathered from playing outside a lot, and he was fluid.   I took $5 out of my purse… Continue reading Angus McKay, The White Rock Busker, Sings Songs and Teaches Lessons

Grateful For The Health Care From The Blood Star At The Lab

A Rainbow Of Blood Vials

Yesterday I got some blood taken at the hospital in White Rock. The technician took a quick glance at the inside of my elbow and put her finger on the tiniest vein, then effortlessly and painlessly filled the vials. Blood star!  It looked like a pretty blood vial colored stage lit rainbow showing up in… Continue reading Grateful For The Health Care From The Blood Star At The Lab