For Heaven Sakes Train Wreck, This Ain’t Your Station, Keep Going!

The storm changes you

It doesn’t matter about your struggle, you gotta get over it to get somewhere better!

Focusing on your struggle messes up your future and All you have is now.

A few years ago, I was in a relationship, and I got betrayed, and when I talked about how my life sucked, nobody wanted to hear about it.

They started talking about how their life sucked too, and we all felt worse.

Then I started focusing on what I could do to make myself feel better, and I wrote a novel. 

When I talked about my dreams, it lifted people up, and made them feel like they could do something to make their life not suck too.

Focus on what you want to do in life, and the life you don’t want will cease to exist.

That lifts you and others up.

When you come out of a storm, you are no longer the same.  The purpose of the storm is to teach you something.

That you are worth more than your misery.

Bad things happen to everyone.  How you deal with them is everything, and deep inside you are a kickass rebellious fighter!

You know you’re gonna find a way!

You change on the inside, and the invisible, intangible, forces don’t recognize impossible, and you break out, like hatching from inside an egg, and you are changed.

Then there is no struggle, because the storm has changed you, and your opinion matters more to you than anyones.

You have set yourself free!

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