It’s Thanksgiving But Is Regret Still Stronger Than Thanks

Everyone loves flowers at the market
Everyone loves flowers at the market


“Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude.” Anne Frank

Today is Thanksgiving in Canada, and the cemeteries are filled with flowers for the dearly departed, but we don’t buy flowers often enough for our loved ones who are still with us, and fail to show appreciation for them, and then we regret it later, and miss them when they are gone, and bring flowers to their grave or their memorial box.

I went to the market yesterday and bought a bouquet of flowers, and as I walked around carrying them, so many people commented on the flowers, I was amazed.  They asked if I bought them for them, and said how beautiful they were, and seemed to really feel uplifted by seeing the beauty of the colors and shapes and and smelling the scent of the flowers.

I remembered how I felt each time I was given flowers as a gift.  I remember the arrangements, and how they looked and how they smelled and what size and colors they were, and what type of flowers were in the bouquets and the memory of the person who sent them lingered on for years after the flowers had died.

When we buy flowers for ourselves, it’s like expressing gratitude to nature for its’ beauty and our desire to enjoy it inside our homes, and when we buy flowers for someone else, we express our love for them!  And then we don’t have to regret not doing it in the future!

When someone dies the first thing we think of is to send their loved ones flowers to give them a beautiful symbol of remembrance of them.  When someone dies, their feelings can’t feel the flowers, but they live on in our hearts and the flowers help express our regret for losing them, and our desire to clear up our feelings that maybe we should have bought them flowers when they were here with us.

On that note, I want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and a reminder to bring flowers!!  Everybody loves flowers! They make them feel great!