All’s well that ends well, and when winter creeps in during the last three months of the year and you feel cold and drained, start the furnace inside of you and focus on what you really want. Set your intention for the rest of this year and take action towards getting it by the end of the year. End the old year with a bang, instead of waiting for the new year to start great!
The only mapping devices you need are monthly calendars for Oct Nov & Dec and a bit of awareness.
Produce Your Own Movie
As you watch adventure movies on Netflix, do you have an adventure to look forward to in your life? What movie are you producing yourself? Are you passively sitting in front of the tv wishing for an adventure that makes you feel alive? Being aware of your passion, then taking action to achieve it no matter what anybody else says or does means being honest with yourself about what you want to express to those around you.
What do you want to make happen for the final ten weeks of this year? Time block an hour a day on the calendar to devote to it. That’s 70 hours!! I once wanted to take my kids to Disneyland and I taped a picture of Mickey Mouse to a jar and I surprised myself when a few months later I had $500 in the jar. I kept at it, and we were in Mickey Mouse’s arms soon enough!
I watched a documentary about Navy Seal training. They focus on getting rid of weakness, which comes from fear, so they face it and overcome it. Like Navy seals, we can also take control of our lives and go for our dreams. Once we are aware of what we are afraid of, and take action in spite of it.
Energy flows to what you focus on, and taking action creates a force field for you to get what you want that is full of strong positive energy, as you become honest with yourself and honest with other people.
Be Resourceful Even With Limited Resources
Make a dream jar, or a fun bucket.
You don’t need expensive gear to create your dreams. Something as radical as an empty jar will get you started. Make a game out of getting what you desire. Write ideas on little pieces of paper and put them in the jar, save bills or coins, or put candies in it that you can eat when you take a step, or check off items that you get done on a list. A dream jar switches your focus off your doubts and gives you something tangible to show you your results. Small actions everyday add up to big changes.
Solve Problems Daily
Solving problems daily prevents your mind from becoming overwhelmed. When your mind is clear, it is easier to focus on what you want to do and to achieve it, and your problems become more manageable, and your problem solving skills improve. You will always have problems, but your problems will become manageable, and you will get better problems to deal with.
Extra shut-eye restores energy
Most of us don’t get enough sleep, and get too much screen time. Make a dream of getting more sleep, and be more effective when you are awake. Eight hours a night is recommended, but once every week or two, get ten hours to supercharge your mind and body.
Take Dream Notes
During the hour you have allotted each day, you can take notes about what you want to do, and refine your list, and then review it often. Your desires change in time, and so do your priorities.
Do the best that you can. Don’t judge your output. Some days you have less energy or don’t feel as good, but spend the hour that you have allotted moving something forward towards your passion.
You create what you want by expressing what you want with your words and thoughts. First to yourself, and then to those around you. If you use peaceful and loving and joyful words, thoughts and feelings to create your life, you attract beautiful energy back to you.
Commit to making a beautiful world for yourself and the world around you will respond
Your energy is refreshed in the morning, and as you set your daily intentions upon waking, your good energy and good intentions attract the best to you throughout the day.
You control if you use your mind to create good, and can make your life better with your words, thoughts and actions.
If you want more love in your life, first add self-love, and stop criticizing yourself.
Others may hurt you and you may have to walk away from them. How you treat yourself is how others treat you. People are human and imperfect like you, so don’t take it personally, but seek people who love, support, and inspire you. The power of association is huge. Choose to be with people who celebrate your growth.
Build your life on what you love not on what you fear. The New Year is too long to wait. Start making time to create it now!!
Photos ~ Pixabay, Gif ~ Giphy