Review of Week 5 – Going BIG With Seeing Things Instead of Looking At Them

This week, I went BIG with seeing the moon, instead of only looking at it, and I saw the way it moves around the sky at different times of the night.  I gave it my full attention, instead of taking it for granted, and expecting it to illuminate the night sky.

I changed the way I looked at the moon and saw how useful it is, as a force that increases the ocean tides, and stabilizes the earth’s rotation so it doesn’t tip and cause extreme weather.  I saw it playing a starring role in lunar eclipses, solar eclipses, and appearing to get smaller and larger and change shape when the angle of the sun changes and casts shadows on it.

In the clear night sky, all the way from earth, I could see the valleys and highlands and marks where it had been hit by meteors and comets.  On a cloudy night, it shone a smoky, foggy light through the clouds.  One night, I saw a ring around the moon, caused by light reflecting on icy clouds surrounding it.

When I went BIG with seeing the moon, instead of simply looking at it, I realized how wonderful it is to have, and life would not be nearly as good without it.


The amazing moon
The Amazing Moon

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