This week, my goal for optimizing yourself was to stop thinking about what I have to do for the holidays and think about helping someone else. I didn’t do one big grand gesture, but I found small ways to incorporate helping people into my daily activities, so it would be easy and fun.
I decided to double all my tips to restaurant workers and hairdressers this week, to show them I appreciate their service. I appreciate my hairdresser who cut my hair how I wanted it cut, and the Starbucks barista at the drive-thru window in freezing temperatures who was so polite as he handed me my tea.
I donated blankets to a Realtor who did a blanket drive in his office, and gave our empty bottles to some students who did a bottle drive for AIDS.
I learned that to be kind I don’t need to go out of my way; it can be a habit that I incorporate into my daily routine.
I also found that sharing my good feelings in the form of sincere compliments and gratitude, made people smile, and it was like a gift to me.
Trying to help others this week only cost me $30, and a few car trips. It was worth it to help others and to feel connected to those around me, and I was grateful that I had something to share with them.
As I got into the spirit of giving, I became more aware of many kindnesses going on around me.
When I drove to Costco in Langley, there was a truck from the Vancouver Zoo picking up produce. The fellow told me that Costco donates their day old produce to the zoo to feed the animals.
I realized that there are “random acts of kindness” going on all around me, but sometimes I am too busy with myself to notice. I am going to continue to look for ways that I can show kindness in my daily routine.