The Miracle of Reiki

Miracle of Reiki
Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh – Photopin


I have a low-grade pain on my side, that gnaws at me like the drops of water that eventually erode a mountain.

Most of us have pain, be it physical, mental, or both.

We can’t turn down the volume on pain, so we are of one of two camps:

  1. We never tell anyone about it.
  2. We give everyone we meet the full run down.

I handle the pain on my left side by sleeping on my right side.

It has never stopped me from doing anything, and I try to ignore it.

But during my first Reiki session, it would no longer be ignored.

A blonde woman named Sarah was sitting by the window in the room, her hair and fair complexion glowing in the soft winter sun that flooded in.

She asked me to lie on the table, and covered me with a plush fleece blanket.

In a soft voice, she asked if I had any pain. I pointed to my side.

She pulled up a chair and gently placed her small translucent hand on the nucleus of my pain.

Her fingers felt like stones that were warmed on a fire.

I felt the healing energy of her hands, like warm lava on my side.

She said the inflammation I had would have doubled some people over.


“Don’t Walk”.

“To buy Turmeric”, she said.

The old dormant inflammation began to rage like a hot air balloon that was finally able to let out a guttural scream.

In the safe spiritual room, we talked about the treatments for my endometriosis, and the alternative – to do nothing.

I felt her hand dispersing heat throughout my body now, and had to remove the furry blanket.

Once the session was complete, she advised me to stand up slowly to gain my balance.

I felt light.

And pain free.


I could hardly believe it myself.

The exhausting thief of my energy was gone. It was comfortable being ignored, but couldn’t stand the compassion.

Then I ran out to buy some turmeric.

 Previously published on