The Solution to Your Problems is Within You

Solutions are Within You
Solutions are Within You


Most of our problems exist in our minds, and are self-created. When we obsess about them, we allow them to rent space in our heads,where they germinate, and spring up in our words and actions. Here are some ways to uproot the weeds of problems before they take over your contentment:

Live in The Present:
It’s not so much the problem, but our thoughts about the problem that hurt us. Everything is fine in the present moment, but if we dwell on the past, or feel anxious about the future, we sow the seeds of unhappiness. When an issue arises, our memory automatically calls up information that is relevant to it, and we see it the same way again, according to Psychology Today. Reset your brain to the present, and describe the issue in a different way, and you will find a new solution.

“Our problems are man-made, therefore they may be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings.”
John F. Kennedy

Maintain a Positive CAN Do outlook:
Problems are small leaks that you can quickly patch and forgive, and return to steering the ship towards your dream life. Focus on what you CAN change in life, and change it. Often it’s when you’re in the shower, or doing something that doesn’t require too much mental activity, and your mind is relaxed, that a brilliant and creative solution comes to you.

Change Your Attitude:

Framing an issue as good or bad depends on your attitude about it. If a problem occurs, instead of reacting emotionally, look for the cause, as that’s where the solution lies. Many problems arise from a misunderstanding on both sides, including yours. Saying things out of emotion can destroy a friendship of many years. Emotions are felt in your body – jealousy shows up in your stomach as a burning sensation; anger makes your head feel hot. Detach from your thoughts, and return to positive energy and respond from love.

Sleep on It:
A problem seems worse if you are in a bad state of mind. If you are tired, or in a low mood, step back, go for a walk in nature, take a nap, or get a good sleep, and respond with care once you feel rested. If you look for the good in a situation, you will find it; and it’s impossible to feel miserable when you focus on your blessings.

A problem may be a blessing in disguise if there is a lesson to learn, or if you learn to work around problems. You may learn that you are taking yourself too seriously. In hindsight, some of your biggest laughs will come from things you once considered as problems.

John Lennon said: “There are no problems, only solutions.”

Seek the Solution:
Seeking a solution attracts a solution to you. You deserve happiness, and solutions, not problems. You are responsible for your happiness, and instead of dwelling on problems in your mind, get out of your mind, and feel the love and forgiveness in your soul. You are bigger than any problem that exists, because problems are temporary, and you can make a habit of identifying with the lasting happiness that is within you, rather than your problems.

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