Week 5 – Jan 28 – Feb 3, 2013 Changing Thoughts From Scarcity to Abundance

small__482085832I have too much stuff…not in a crazy hoarder way, but in small ways, like having four dust pans, and more mugs than will fit in the mug cupboard. For this week’s bettering yourself exercise, I am working on losing the fear of not having enough, and focusing on the belief that everything I need is readily available, so I can eliminate the clutter habit.

In an article written by Martha Beck titled: “When and How to Say “Enough!”, she says our thoughts about stuff dictate how much we accumulate. She describes the “just in time” business philosophy developed by Toyota Motor Company. They bought only enough supplies to keep the lines running and were efficient, unlike most companies who used the “just in case” model; accumulating stockpiles of supplies, leading to dysfunction and excess.

This week, I will apply the “just in time” business model to my household, and change my thoughts on clutter to get the lines running more proficiently at home, and I will let you know how it went next week.

photo credit: splorp via photopin cc