Episode 2 ~ A Look Back at Soul Flame and Twin Flame Travelling The Yin Yang Universe

Soul Flame and Twin Flame Travel The Yin Yang Universe
Soul Flame and Twin Flame Yin Yang Universe

One morning, Soul Flame awoke in a white flowing sustainable gown with eyelet detailing around the neck.  From her four poster bed, she saw she was inside Twin Flame’s Castle of light, but couldn’t find him there.  She noticed the words “unconditional self-love” engraved onto the metal key dangling from her neck.


In her dream, Soul Flame began to ascend from where she was standing outside on the grass beside Twin Flame.  He waved skyward at her, and she released her fear of rising, which made her feel as if she could do anything, and made him feel needed.  


Beyond the tops of the fragrant tall pines, up past the twinkling lights of the highest towers, up to the warm, inviting, indigo light at the opening at the top of the earth, she continued, until she reached the yellow energy of the universe, the sun!


Here she understood oneness.  Her thoughts manifested her desires.  Twin Flame balanced her dark feminine energy with his light and love.


The two small dots of black and white within the two energies yin and yang, show that some yin (negative dark female energy)  will always exist within yang (positive bright masculine) and visa versa. The twin flame of oneness raises us up to unconditional love for ourselves and them and for everyone.


But is Soul Flame going to use this influx of cosmic love upon returning to the duality of earth?