Soul Flame And Twin Flame Expand The Yin Yang Universe

Soul Flame and Twin Flame Expand the Yin Yang Universe
Soul Flame and Twin Flame Expand The Yin Yang Universe


One morning Soul Flame woke up and drew the curtains wide open, and saw that her universe had expanded tenfold.  The vaporous fog outside had vanished in the glow of the giant orange Yang sun rising.  And as she continued to keep her eyes wide open, the Yin sky grew dark, darker than she had ever seen before, and the stars shone brighter than she had ever seen before, and the moon was extra pretty, and the shooting stars were extra abundant.  


Suddenly, disparate parts from her chaotic past linked together to form order, and the purpose of everything was revealed to her in its’ terrible awesome beauty.  This fired up her momentum, creating rapid change and causing all suffering to disappear. Her insides laughed and giggled from being happy being herself.


She felt so good, that she connected to all living beings in conscious love, compassion, and peace.  Like a magnetic field, she attracted her soul’s mirror, Twin Flame, with an earth shattering force that shook them and ignited their joint energy field, as both were created of the same flame, separated at birth, and now re-joined anew.  This created growth so outrageous her mind couldn’t even understand it, and the push of the electrical force was so powerful, it remains to be seen if it will knock this new universe right off its’ orbit.