Episode 3 ~ Love is The Answer As Twin Flame and Soul Flame Open Their Hearts To The World

Twin Flame and Soul Flame
Twin Flame and Soul Flame


Soul Flame landed back down in the land of Duality with a thud, spawning stardust debris that sprayed out unconditional love from God’s golden heaven throughout the earth.


Moonlight flooded her dark flowing hair, and her dress glittered in ancient sapphire crystals from the dawn of the solar system.  The dark, shadowy, Queen of The Night had a heart of passionate lava, and the changing moods of a meteor, and she seized the imagination of Twin Flame, and powered the moon to rotate around the earth.


She ran towards the castle to grab a shawl, feeling the chill of societies’ problems settling into her psyche.  She saw Twin Flame, standing outside the gates, clutching a saw, and dispensing justice on earth. He smiled and his big brown eyes greeted her, and opened his arms.  He pressed her head to his chest, and held her against his long beard.  Soul Flame felt like she was in heaven being reunited with her Solar King.  


As earth’s protector, and generator of warmth and love from the stable positive sun, he was the maker of all the stars; a plasma dynamo with great compassion and ability.


The reciprocity between Soul Flame and Twin Flame is the reason for all events of the universe.

Together they saw society’s duality, but were compassionately in love with the earth as it was, and not for its’ future potential for oneness consciousness.  The future is an illusion, and not real. Oneness consciousness come from focusing on positive expansion.

The greatest truth that the  celestial couple discovered was that people were flawed, beautiful and divine all at the same time, and were all learning different things at different times, speeds, and levels of cognition, as they spread gratitude, love, loyalty, and justice.

But there was an enemy to oneness consciousness, and it needed to be dealt with as soon as possible or the planet would be overtaken by it.


photo by Gunold ~ Free Stock Images